Final Letter
Dear Fellow Classmates:
Our 50th Class Reunion scheduled for May 14 is fast approaching. We hope you can join us for this milestone event. We expect classmates from all over the United States to come join in our celebration and look forward to seeing each of you.
This one day event will include morning and evening functions. Rocky Hanna, the Principal at Leon, will conduct the school tour planned for Saturday morning. The tour will be followed by a brief memorial service honoring our deceased classmates and then a light lunch in the cafeteria. Rocky will make available copies of each attendee’s senior year report card (in case you no longer have yours). At 6:00 Saturday evening we will gather at the Capital City Country Club for pictures, more visiting and a fun time.
The following hotels have offered special rates:
•Cabot Lodge, 1653 Raymond Diehl Road, (850) 386-7500. Rate $70 per night with continental breakfast and happy hour.
•Holiday Inn Capitol East, 1355 Apalachee Parkway, (850) 877-3171. Rate $99 plus tax (this rate is guaranteed only if 85% of the estimated room block is reserved. Please check with the hotel for a definite rate. Cut-off date for the group block is April 14, 2011).
In addition to the planned events, we encourage classmates to get together on their own. A Zumba class has been set up on Friday afternoon for any women who are interested. Please advise Donna via e-mail DMBerryman@comcast.net prior to the date if you wish to attend.
Jack Rudloe has offered a tour of his facility in Panacea on Sunday for interested classmates. You may contact him directly at jrudloe@earthlink.net if you are interested in either a single or group tour.
Linda Teague, author of the History of Leon High School, will be at both the Saturday morning and Saturday evening reunion events to sell copies of her book. The price of the book at these events will be $40.00.
Traditionally each class makes a 50th anniversary gift to the school. We suggest that the Class of 61 contribute towards funding a section of the wrought iron fence which is being built around the school property. If you would like to contribute towards our class gift, please include your contribution on your registration form.
Enclosed is the 50th Reunion Registration Form. The deadline for registering is April 20, 2011. Due to the necessity of providing attendance numbers to the Country Club, there will be no registration at the door.
Also enclosed is an updated list of missing classmates. Please provide any information you have on our missing classmates to the reunion committee at Leon61@comcast.net.
We are all looking forward to seeing you at our 50th Reunion.
The Leon Class of 1961 50th Reunion Planning Committee.